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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Pastel Makeup your Blythe!

Pastel Makeup your Blythe!

Pastel Eyeshadow and Blush is a great option if you want to experiment with soft makeup colors before committing to airbrushing or change your mind frequently. You will need to buy a small set of Chalk Pastels (not oil pastels), and sand-matte your Blythe first. It is almost impossible to get deep colors out of pastels - for intense makup, we recommend Airbrushing.

1. Blythe Pastel MakeupChoose your Pastel colors and draw on a white piece of paper with them, creating a fine dust on the surface. combine colors by drawing them alongside eachother. Wash your hands after handling the pastels so you don’t leave fingerprints on your Blythe.

2. Blythe Pastel MakeupTear a cotton ball in half and swirl it in the powder. Gently blow on the cotton ball to remove big clumps of dust. You can also use a makeup brush.

3. Blythe Pastel Makeup Gently tap and swish the color onto your blythe’s face in the desired area. Don’t rub the color in, you will pack the pastel into the matte surface and create a shine. Try layering different colors for different effects.

4. Blythe Pastel Makeup Blythe Pastel Makeup Blow off any excess powder left on her face. If you end up with smudges around her eye socket or fingerprints on her face, gently sand them off with your extra-fine sanding sponge that you used to matte her.

5. Blythe Pastel Makeup You can also use the sanding sponge to shape the eyeshadow before applying the blush. Here I have sharpened the corner of the eye.

6. It is not necessary to seal the pastels, but you will have to re-apply the makeup after a few months. I personally don’t use matte sprays, but if you choose to seal the makeup, I recommend Mr. Super Clear.

7. To remove pastel makeup, gently sand her face with your extra-fine sponge and blow the dust away. Do not get the pastels wet.

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