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Friday, March 6, 2009

my new facebook Blythe Doll Lover group "Blythe Doll Lover 布麗絲部落格"

my old Facebook Blythe Doll Lover group is still not being fixed, the error still there.. :(

so , I have re-created a new Blythe Doll Lover group "Blythe Doll Lover 布麗絲部落格"

You can visit the group by access from this link:
Blythe Doll Lover 布麗絲部落格
Hope I will see you there!


1 comment:

  1. My Old Blythe Doll Lover布麗絲部落格 is being fixed by Facebook team today!

    Join my Blythe Doll Lover Group!
